Kyochon vs 4fingers

Hi everyone! Today I want to review about korean foods. Nowadays, most Malaysian always try many types of Korean food such as Soopong, Gaebno and Mr Dalgakbi. As we see, almost every shopping mall must have Korean restaurant. So today, I will review about Kyochon and 4fingers. "Kyo" means wisdom and enlightenment and "Chon" means village. The main menu was based on a chicken. You can choose the flavour either soy garlic, honey or red pepper series. The part of chicken you can choose either wingette and drumette, drumstick or half/wholechicken. There are four types of rice. You can choose either garlic fried rice, chicken fried rice, kimchi fried rice and steamed rice. I always choose red pepper wingette and drumette. Usually, I alway...